Env Plugin

The Env Plugin defines and manages multiple environment variables based on the process.env.NODE_ENV variable, with a fallback to default variables option.

The plugin adds the relevant environment object to the runtime container so you can inject it into any module as a dependency.

This is NOT a runtime specific plugin and can be used on all Injex's runtimes.


You can install the Env Plugin via NPM or Yarn.

npm install --save @injex/env-plugin


Creating the plugin and passing it to the runtime container config object

import { Injex } from "@injex/node";
import { EnvPlugin } from "@injex/env-plugin";
rootDirs: [__dirname],
plugins: [
new EnvPlugin({
name: 'env',
current: "production",
defaults: {
myVar: 123
environments: {
development: {
logLevel: "verbose"
production: {
logLevel: "silence"


You can pass the following configurations to the EnvPlugin.


The environment object name, as it will be used in the runtime container for later injection.

  • Type: string
  • Default: env
  • Required: false


Enforce an environment by its name.

  • Type: string
  • Default: process.env.NODE_ENV
  • Required: false


An object with default values to be used as a fallback to the selected environment.

  • Type: object
  • Default: {}
  • Required: false


An object contains the environments and their variables.

For example:

const plugin = new EnvPlugin({
environments: {
development: {
arg1: 1,
arg2: 2
production: {
arg1: 3,
arg2: 4
test: {
arg1: 5,
arg2: 6
  • Type: object
  • Default: {}
  • Required: false


To inject the environment object created by the plugin into other modules using the @inject() decorator.

export class MyService {
@inject() private env;
public initialize() {
console.log(this.env.logLovel); // "silence"
console.log(this.env.myVar); // 123